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Updated: Apr 7, 2023

Do you struggle with staying motivated and getting things done? If so, you're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to stay focused and productive. However, there is a system that can help: David Allen's Getting Things Done. In this blog post, we'll explore Allen's system and reveal the secret to staying motivated and getting things done.

Main Points:

  • The Basics of Getting Things Done

  • The Two-Minute Rule

  • The Importance of Context

  • The Weekly Review

Growing with God Verses:

  • Hebrews 11:8-10

  • Genesis 12:1 and 13:14

  • John 14

Resources Mentioned:

The Secret to Staying Motivated and Getting Things Done

Welcome Fellow Grower, when I started cultivating a home and even homesteading I never thought that I would need help with getting things done, let alone be reading productivity books. But as the years have rolled on I have tried to push through the struggle with getting my long list of todo done, let alone remembering that list, and the paperwork that comes with running a home and homestead. I felt that I needed a change and that is when I picked up the book, Getting Things Done by David Allen. Let’s be honest when I say picked up and read I mean listened to when I was folding laundry, milking my dairy girls, and cleaning my goat barn. I barely had time to get everything done when I was going to fit in curling up with a good book and reading.

This in turn got me thinking that maybe even you need help but are reluctant to learn more about productivity. This is something big companies need, not me. But let me ask you a few questions.

Do you ever feel like you're spinning your wheels, struggling to stay motivated and get things done? Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and unproductive? You're not alone. In today's fast-paced world, let alone on the homestead, it can be challenging to stay focused and accomplish our goals. But what if there was a system that could help? Enter David Allen's Getting Things Done. In this article and the above podcast episode, we'll dive into the basics of Allen's system, share what I have learned, and reveal the secret to staying motivated and getting things done. Whether you're a busy mom, wife, homemaker or a working parent, and homesteader these tips and tricks will help you boost your productivity and achieve your long todo list and maybe even give you a few minutes to curl up with a good book.( Hint, Hint) So, let's get started on the path to success!,

The Basics of Getting Things Done

To begin, one of the key principles of Getting Things Done is Get Everything Out of Your Head. Many times as grower or homemakers we know what needs done so we tell ourselves what is the purpose of writing it down, I will remember when the time comes. Yes, like that load of laundry you put in yesterday and now smells moldy when you found it this afternoon, that was easy to remember too wasn’t it.

Well the problem with this is you probably could of remembered that laundry if your brain wasn’t already trying to remember that you need to make bread today, the new bottle baby calf need fed at noon today, you need to call your mother and schedule this months family dinner, and you can see where I am going with don’t you. Your list may seem endless when you keep it in your head. That is why David Allen’s first tip to his clients is to stop and just start writing it all done first. Don’t organize as you go, just start writing. Once you have exhausted your list then you can start prioritizing your list. That is another topic we are going to talk about in just a few paragraphs.

Writing your list down does two things:

  1. It gives your thoughts room to breathe. We as humans are very creative beings but in this age of information overload it is hard to navigate our thoughts. By writing them down we bring them into the present and take them out of that continuous loop in our heads.

  2. You give yourself peace of mind. One of the fears at least I have and maybe you as well is that I am going to forget to do something important. And that fear causes stress which leads to actually forgetting something, our brains do run well on stress, which causes a vicious cycle. But by writing our thoughts in a safe place we relieve stress and actually increase peace, peace of mind.

David Allen's process for this is to write every individual item on its own piece of paper. I like to use Post It notes. They are small and help me organize them after I get done into groups and start with the next step called the Two-Minute Rule.

The Two-Minute Rule

One effective strategy for overcoming procrastination and staying motivated is the Two-Minute Rule. As the name suggests, if a task requires less than two minutes, you should do it immediately. This simple practice can make a significant difference in how you approach your work.

The Two-Minute Rule is based on the idea that small tasks can quickly pile up and create an obstacle to productivity. By eliminating these minor items from your to-do list, you can free up mental space and avoid getting bogged down by an endless list of small tasks.

More importantly, completing short tasks also provides a sense of progress and accomplishment. This feeling of momentum can help keep you motivated and focused on the bigger picture.

Of course, not every task will be doable in two minutes or less. But by actively looking for tasks that fit this criteria, putting them in a group to tackle first, you can gain a sense of control over your workload and reduce the stress of constant task-switching. I am going to show you how I use the 2 Minute Rule when we get to the Weekly Review segment of this episode.

The Two-Minute Rule is just one of many tools in the toolbox for staying motivated and productive. In the next section, we'll explore another critical factor in completing tasks and organizing our groups: context.,

The Importance of Context

Another essential aspect of staying motivated and getting things done is understanding the importance of context. It's not enough to simply make a to-do list and start checking off tasks. You need to consider the context in which those tasks exist, both in terms of their priority and their relationship to other tasks.

For example, if you have a deadline for a project, it may be more important to focus on tasks related to that project than smaller, less urgent tasks. Context also plays a role in how you approach a task. You may need to set aside more time or gather additional resources to complete a task that requires a specific skill set or knowledge.

Understanding context can help you prioritize tasks, tackle them in the most efficient order, and make the most of your time and energy.

This has helped me bring focus to my list and even better find items that I can delegate to my husband or other family member. This is another amazing benefit of getting our list out of our heads, handing that Post It note to your husband and asking if he could help you complete it. In the next section, we'll explore another critical tool for staying on top of your tasks and goals: the weekly review.,

The Weekly Review

Understanding context is a critical tool for prioritizing tasks, tackling them efficiently, and making the most of your time and energy. But even with the best intentions, it can be easy to get lost in the day-to-day details and lose sight of the bigger picture. That's where the weekly review comes in.

A weekly review is a scheduled time to step back, evaluate your progress and priorities, and make adjustments as needed. It's a chance to ensure that you're still on track to achieve your goals and to identify any obstacles that need to be addressed.

What I like to do during my 35 Minute Weekly Review, more about this in a moment, I brain dump the list that has been building all week in my mind, then I sort my Post It notes in two groups, what I can get done in two minutes and the rest for the first 10 minutes. The next ten is working over my longer than two minute pile and prioritizing each item and writing out the first step I need to take for each for the middle 10 minutes. Then for the last 10 minutes, I start working through each two minute task until my timer goes off. What's left I stick in my planner for next week and when I have a few minutes in my day I will grab one and complete it. The last 5 minutes I write down the longer tasks in my Project Notebook on the list that fits each priority or task. I also like to write down my list in the vocation it is under as well. Like, Homemaker, Wife, Daughter, Mother, Homesteader, and Podcaster. I hope to go in more detail about this in a later podcast episode.

The other time is spent creating our menu for the week, checking my calendar for any upcoming projects and going through my Monthly Review Notes so that I can make sure that we are on task for the projects that my husband and I had planned for the month or season.

In the next section, we'll dive into the specifics of how to conduct a weekly review and make it an effective tool for staying motivated and getting things done.,

The Secret to Staying Motivated and Getting Things Done

The secret to staying motivated and getting things done is all about maintaining focus and direction. One way to do this is through a weekly review, which is essentially a time set aside to reflect on your progress and plan for the upcoming week. By taking the time to step back and evaluate what's working and what isn't, you can make more informed decisions about how to spend your time and energy.

To conduct a weekly review, start by setting aside a specific time each week. This could be an hour on Sunday evening or first thing Monday morning.

Even if you don’t do a weekly review like me here are the basics that need to be looked at.

During this time,

  1. Create a list of all the projects and tasks you want to focus on for the week ahead.

  2. Empty your head of the those lose loops running around in your head

  3. Review your progress on projects from the previous week

  4. Determine what needs to be carried forward or completed.

  5. Identify any obstacles or challenges that you faced and think about how you can overcome them in the coming week. This could involve delegating tasks, breaking larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks, or simply adjusting your priorities.

  6. Take a look at your schedule for the upcoming week and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that you're making progress on your goals.

  7. This tip was not in the book but think about any task that can take stress out of your day if you had them already decided on like, your meal plan, grocery list, or cleaning schedule.

By conducting a weekly review, you're not only staying on track but also setting yourself up for success. You'll have a better understanding of your priorities and be able to make informed decisions about how to allocate your time and energy. As a result, you'll be more motivated and productive, ultimately helping you get things done.

In conclusion, staying motivated and getting things done can be a challenge in today's world, but David Allen's Getting Things Done system can help. By following the basics of the system, utilizing the two-minute rule, considering context, and performing regular weekly reviews, you can trust the system and make it a habit. Start small, be consistent, and watch as your productivity and motivation soar! Remember, as David Allen says, "If you don't pay appropriate attention to what has your attention, it will take more of your attention than it deserves." Don't let distractions and lack of motivation hold you back. Take control and make progress towards your goals.

And if you would like to learn more about creating productivity on the homestead check out the Purposeful Growing Journey Success Path, designed to walk you through each stage of a grower.

Don’t let the world hold you back,

Pray, Just Plant

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