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Updated: Mar 8, 2021

For the past few weeks I have been working hard to help you all get your seeds organized for your 2020 growing seasons. This next series is going to cover the next step. I want to help you take all your seed tracking information, gardening calculations and combine them to make a complete seedling schedule. Like I stated before, when you make growing your garden a job, you are going to need to have everything scheduled. Why?

So when you have a few minutes to dedicate to your garden ( we all have full lives) you have a to-do list already to go. You know what needs done. You will check your schedule, gather your tools and start.

In this series we are going to cover taking your seeds to seedlings and getting them ready for transplant. If you are one who doesn’t grow your own transplant then maybe this series will help you decide to start this year. 2020 is going to be a great year, I can just feel it.

Here is the list of the Blog Posts to come

I will also be starting a new Course in my Online Course.

In addition, this will include

Seeds to Seedling Guide

Garden Planner

Instructional Video Series (6 videos)

Join the Journey!

Remember don’t let the world hold you back. Pray, Just Plant!

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