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Updated: Mar 8, 2021

Here is a detailed list of all the thing one would need to start seedlings. I myself currently use soil blocks but I have also included all you would need for other methods of seed starting. Below are a few affiliated links. I have included a printable Supply List in my online course. Have fun Planting!

Seeds to Seedling Series


Seed Starting Mix

I prefer to use a organic seed starting mix with a Sphagnum Peat Moss to retain moisture naturally. It works best for soil blocks.

But for trays I like to use a coca fiber seedling mix.


I use flat black trays with no drain holes to hold all of my seedlings


I used to use biodegradable pots of many sizes

Soil Blockers

I have used soil blockers for years I love them. My favorite part is they are waste free. I use three different sizes. I know they seem expensive but they will pay for themselves in about two years.

Kit with both and includes dibbles

Pan for Soil Mixing

Here you can choose anything that you can moisten the soil in before using. I like using a large feed bucket because of the high sides.


I use a small trowel to help stir water into my starter mix before I make my soil blocks or place in pots.

Label Stick

I don't get very fancy when it comes to label sticks. I just use ice pop sticks and a permanent marker.

Water Can

I like to use pump sprayer with an adjustable spray nozzle to water my seedlings. With my seedlings in my basement, I want to keep the water mess to a minimum. Plus you can add liquid fertilizers. I like using liquid fish poop.

Heat Mat

I use a heat mat and heat mat controller to help germinate my seeds. It is a easy way to raise the temperature of my starter mix for seeds who like warmer temps to germinate. The Heat Mat Controller is used to keep the mat at a set temperature.

Lights Set Up

I use lights in my basement to give my seedling all the light they can get. I use a simple shop light with day light bulbs. I also use a power strip with a timer to control when the light turn on and off. It has spots for 8 different plugs.

Daylight Bulbs

Extension cords


My husband built me new shelves this year. But for many years I have just used any shelf I could get a hold of.

Everything above can be found at your local growing center or hardware store. I have made a printable Supply List to take with you. It can be found on the Free Doc page in the menu.

Pray, Just Plant


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