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Updated: Feb 13, 2020

A Gardener’s heart shivers in the dormant world,

It asks when will Spring arrive, will it ever,

It yearns for something green, it thinks

Pray, Just Plant

A Gardener’s heart feels the lengthening of the day,

It begs for an end to the cold,

It hopes for the first bird’s song, it utters

Pray, Just Plant

A Gardener’s heart warmed by the Chinook wind,

Its wait is getting shorter, harder,

It wills the green to show, it whispers

Pray, Just Plant

A Gardener’s heart rejoices in the Spring,

It loves the smell of dirt,

It drills the seeds of hope, It hums

Pray, Just Plant

A Gardener’s heart drinks in the sun,

It marvels at the strength,

It relishes the sight of shouts growing, It sings

Pray, Just Plant

A Gardener’s heart tires in the heat,

It hopes for a harvest,

It sees the thunder clouds, it quivers

Pray, Just Plant

A Gardener’s heart worries, dreads the storm,

It frets at the smell of ice,

It awaits the coming dome, It stammers

Pray, Just Plant

A Gardener’s heart aches at the sight,

It experiences the failure,

It acknowledges the pain, It cries

Pray, Just Plant

A Gardener’s heart withered from the storm,

It gives up, shudders, dies,

It see life starting again, It screams

Pray, Just Plant

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