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Updated: Apr 2, 2020

I think I can describe all of last week with one word.

Just one word.

Here it is. Are you ready?

Drum roll please!!!

Snow! Snow and more Snow!

The week started with a snow storm that kept us home bound for two days. We did finally did get to town to stock up on Wednesday. We also got to return a few of our over due books at the library. The fine was not pretty but I just keep reminding myself the money is going to a good cause. We love our local library. I think it could be call our second home.

The next storm hit Thursday morning and lasted all day. Now that we were all stocked up it was easier to just relax and watch the snow fall. Our muddy world of last week is now transform in to a world of white. Its beautiful. Its cold and daunting but still beautiful. It is so amazing how snow can transform the landscape in to winter paradise.

View from the Goat Barn

We did make a few changes to our home school schedule last week. We switch from a 5 day school week to a four. I am hoping we can work on all our indoor 4-H projects on Friday. The first week worked out great. I can’t wait to share all the projects with you. I might be able to get some of my own project squeezed in too. I am thinking I need a few more bookcases built. If you guys are wondering why, I am going to just come out with it, I am a book junkie. I love books!! I collect old books, I collect new books, I collect just so many books. I just love the feel and smell of an old classic book. I think it runs in my family as my grandmother also collected books and ran a beautiful books store. I loved walking up and down the aisles staring at all the books. There is nothing like the sight of old books all lined up on a shelf with their embossed gold lettered spins sparkling.

View out our back door

On the homestead my husband has been working hard in our basement. He has been working on getting it wired for electricity. After ten years, I finally have a light in my laundry room. Now I just need to remember to turn it on. He also got one in our soon to be root cellar. I love it. I have been working on plans for goat kid warm box for my barn. Ebony is due in March. I am hoping I wont need it but here in Wyoming it is better to be prepare. In the garden I got all my seeds ordered. I chose to go with Johnny's Select Seeds this year. They had some great prices on strawberry plants. I will share my picks soon. I also finished my Seed Variety Tracker just in time for Valentine's Day. I want to give it you. You can find it here.

Till next time.

Remember don’t let the world hold you back, Pray, Just Plant!

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