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Updated: Jan 3

One can not talk about preserving with talking about preserving books. What books we can find, what recipes we can use, all of that! That is what we are going to be talking about today all the list of books that you can use to learn these skills for preserving your food. Let's get growing!

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“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

List of Books with Links to Amazon

These links are not affiliated links. I don't anything when you purchase them except for the knowledge that I have helped you on your growing journey.

Dehydrating Books

Fermenting Books

Canning Books

General Preserving Books

Preserving Meat Books

Bonus Books

Time Stamps

Intro 00:46

Dehydrating Books 03:23

Fermenting Books 13:22

Tips and Tricks 26:53

Canning Books 29:46

General Preserving Books 37:46

Growing With God 43:17

Preserving Meat Books 48:52

Bonus Books 55:24

Recap 01:02:23

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