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Updated: Feb 15

Making Money on the Homestead

Are you ready to start turning your homestead into a profitable business? Are you unsure where to start or what obstacles you might face? This post will give you an understanding of the basics so you can jump start your venture and start making money on your homestead. Let's get growing!

Main Points

  • The 7 Questions You Need to Ask Before You Get Started

  • Making a Business Plan

Resources Mentioned:

Starting a business on your homestead can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s important to be prepared. With the right knowledge, planning, and strategies, you can make a profit and be successful. With the information in this post, you have the foundation to get you started on your homestead business venture.

Now that you have a better idea of what it takes to start a homestead business, take the time to make a plan and create a vision for your project. If you have any questions or would like more advice, I am here to help. Go to the Purposeful Growing Journey Page inside the Purposeful Life stage to find your action steps.

Don’t let the world hold you back,

Pray, Just Plant

Making Money on the Homestead

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