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Thank you for grabbing your growing resource and taking action on your growing journey. Your email will be arriving to your inbox in 15 minutes.

While you wait I would like to share one more resource that will help with every stage of your growing Journey.

Have a blessed day,








Start your Garden Plan right with my Free Mini Video Course  and be ready for the growing season!

Organic Vegetables

Find Clarity and Create the Homegrown Life You have been Craving

Without waiting any longer to get started!

You know you want to create a life for your family that is full of homegrown and homemade but you find yourself

spinning your wheels wondering

where or even how you are going to break away from the norm.

Don’t worry you are not alone!


With the overflow of homesteading or even growing advice out there it is hard to dig through and find a direct path to the Life of Purpose you have been craving.


Should I start a Garden?

Do I have to wait to have a large amount of land?

Is it okay to start small?


Are you ready to stop letting the unanswered questions hold you back and find the truth?


There is a path to purpose and it starts right where you are right now!


Hello Fellow Grower,

I am Crystal and I want to help you create purpose and homegrown in every part of your growing journey.

I have been growing food on our homestead now for 15 plus years and one of the problems I struggled with was finding direction in my growing journey.  


To say the least I felt overwhelmed learning all the skills I needed to grow food for my family that I never thought that there was a better path to purpose. And for years when my family and I first started our homestead I would jump around learning new skills that never seem to come together and create the life my family and I dreamed of. But here is what I learned through trial and error: if I was going to create the life I craved I needed to find purpose and homegrown in every part of my life, not just out in the garden or homestead. 



God created me to be a wife and mother first, and a grower of food second, that is why I needed to build systems in every part of my life to provide my family with the life we were craving.  



When I thought of my growing from this point of view everything changed for me.


Let Me Show You How to do the Same!


Dry Fields

Are You Ready to get a glimpse of your Future?


Just imagine how it would feel if you could.... 


Know exactly how to break down you huge goal of creating your dream homestead into a plan that is manageable and better yet do able!


Build systems into your everyday life because you will know how to bring everything together and find purpose in everything you do!


Stop letting your dream sit on the sidelines because you are unsure of even where to begin when it comes to Permaculture Design!


Actually feel excited about growing because you will be able to include your kids into your journey too!


Know exactly how to build a few shelter that we use here at Red Ridge Farmstead!


Feel less pressure when it comes to know where to start growing next because you will be able to follow a direct path to success on your growing journey!


In Fact depend less on the grocery story for every meal you cook because your homestead will be more abundant then before!


Purposeful Growing

Finally a place on the web where you can find a laid out path to homegrown food, creating purpose, and building the life you crave…


It is much more than Just More Homesteading advice, because inside you will access an action path to growing success customized to the specific stage you are in, so you never have to wonder what you should be doing next and what can wait for when you are ready.

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So whether you are just starting or a season grower looking to bring more abundance, you will access multiple courses, systems, and resources designed for you.


The Purposeful Growing member area is designed to meet you where you are at and push you toward the success on your path to homegrown and homemade.


I want to teach you to build a purposeful, family centered life that brings you health, wealth of the soul, and leaves you time to spend those important moments with your family.

What You will Find Inside

Start Your Unique Success Path

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I will help you take charge of your Path to a successful Purposeful Life.


Value $499


No matter if you are just starting to think about creating homegrown for your family or you have been growing for years, I will help you bring clarity to your next steps by providing instant access to:


A clear list of growing milestones to work through so that you are clear on your path and the next steps you need to take to bring purpose, homegrown, and build the life you are craving. 


A Custom Curriculum that takes you through each milestone so that you can focus on what you need in each stage of your growing journey and remove the stress from trying to decide what you need to learn next. 


Clear Benchmarks so that you know when you are ready to move from one stage to the next!

Plan and Implement

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I will teach you to plan and help you to Implement 


Value $499


With Live, monthly workshops where I will help you grow with the season and give you tailored growing advice.


Find a friend who will push you to accomplishing your goals by show you how to implement new techniques and motivation from a like minded to help you complete your biggest projects

Continual Growth

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Keep moving forward with weekly resources, guides, and video


Value $499


To always keep you moving toward your goals I will send new resource directly to your inbox


You will always be learning the new techniques in gardening, homesteading, and more


And if I don’t have something inside I am more than willing to develop a resource just for you just send me a direct email.

Library of Self Pace Courses

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I will teach you the Growing Skills


Value $999


Dive into the step by step process of creating purpose in your home, growing a garden, and a homestead with our ever growing list of courses


Whether you are just starting our or a seasoned grower, my course will help you build a foundation of purpose in your home, garden, homestead, and life.


And as an add bonus all of our courses build on each other so that you will have a direct path to success.

One on One Advice


I want to be a voice of encouragement and wisdom


Value $499


You will have access to weekly appointments where I will meet with one on one!


Just shout me an email and I will sign you up for my next one on one meeting.


You will tap into my 15 plus years of my growing experience, something I wish I had when I was first starting.

PG Sign Up

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I sign up and don't Like it?


You can cancel your membership at anytime. Simply cancel within your account or send us an email.


How do I access my the Purposeful Growing Member Area?


When you go through the sign-up process you will create your own unique account that gives you immediate access to the ALL the current Master Classes. You can login to access it at anytime.


How will I know more video and lessons have been added to the ever growing Member Area?


They will be added to the main Purposeful Growing home page that you can access at all times. You will also receive weekly e-mails with tips and updates.


Do you offer refunds?


Yes, if you contact us within the first 30 days. After that you can cancel at anytime and your access will end at the end of the paid term.


Will I always have access to the Purposeful Growing Member Area?


As long as you are an active member you will have access to the ever growing member area. Once membership is canceled you will no longer have access.


Is this Course just for beginners?


Not in any way. This Course is for anyone who loves to learn and expand their knowledge base.

Ready to start your Purposeful Growing Journey

You Get Inside

Instant Access to Full Course Library

Instant Access to the Purposeful Growing Success Path for Growers for each stage of Your Journey

One on One Secession with Head Instructor in 2 weekly scheduled meetings

Attend Monthly Live Workshops

Access Member Only Grow with Me Courses

Access Our Ever Growing Resource Library 

And So Much More!!!!

  • Purposeful Growing Monthly

    Every month
  • Purposeful Growing 6 Months

    Every 6 months
    Valid for 12 months
  • Purposeful Growing 1 Year

    Every year
    Valid for 2 years

I want to thank you for your time. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how Red Ridge Farm Homestead can help you on your growing journey email me or go to my website, Now if you want to start growing with purpose, click the button below!


Have a blessed day,


Crystal Mediate

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