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Ready to start building and designing your dream homestead?

Bust the myth that permaculture design is overwhelming 
Start building your dream homestead with confidence!

You know you want to build an abundant, regenerative homestead but you find the prospect of building and designing your dream homestead overwhelming to say the least!

Let's Face It, there is nothing more frustrating then wanting to create abundance but
not know where or even how to start

There is nothing more overwhelming then wanting to adding animals to your homestead only to feel discouraged because building a shelter for them feel our of reach.

Growing beyond a simple garden to a full homestead can feel like a huge step on your growing journey but what if there was something or someone out there who could break down the process for you. 
To help you answer the question, " How do I successfully add animals and permaculture design to my homestead?"

To help you a homestead that worked with your size and lay of your land!

And most importantly a tool to show you how to build your homestead from the ground up. 


Hello Fellow Grower,

I am Crystal and I want to help you make a plan for your dream homestead.

I have been growing food on our homestead now for 15 plus years and one of the problems I struggled with was building abundance and resiliency into my homestead with permaculture.  


To say the least I felt overwhelmed with even the definition of Permaculture or even Regenerative Agriculture. And avoided it for years when my family and I first started our homestead. I may have been also very busy growing my family too back then. But here is what I quickly learned: if I was going to create abundance and resilience on my homestead I was going to need to work with God' design, not my own!


God created this wonderful earth for us to grow in amazing and unique ways and those ways are what I need to provide my family with healthy food. 


When I thought of permaculture from this point of view everything changed for me. 


Let Me Show You How to do the Same!


Dry Fields

The Red Ridge Farmstead Builds eBook is designed to make Designing and Building on the Homestead a Breeze!


Just imagine how it would feel if you could.... 


Know exactly how to break down your huge goal of creating your dream homestead into a plan that is manageable and better yet doable!


Build any shelter for any animal you wish to add because you will know what every shelter needs!


Stop letting your dream sit on the sidelines because you are unsure of even where to begin when it comes to Permaculture Design!


Actually feel excited about building because you will be able to build with your kids too!


Know exactly how to build a few shelters that we use here at Red Ridge Farmstead!


Feel less pressure when bringing your new animals home because you will have your infrastructure built first!


In Fact depend less on the grocery story for every meal you cook because your homestead will be more abundant than before!

Introducing the Red Ridge Farmstead Builds eBook

The eBook that will help you go from a homestead to one that will be connected to God's Design!

The Red Ridge Farmstead Builds eBook is the first builds book designed specifically for growers who want to add God's design to their homestead so that you know exactly how to build abundance and design resilience into every part of their growing journey.
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The Red Ridge Farmstead Builds eBook

This eBook focuses on helping you the growers make a unique plan for your homestead. By helping you find yourself in your homestead dreams, how to break down those dreams into manageable chunks, and how to build some amazing shelter we have here at Red Ridge Farmstead!
~ Section 1 ~

How to Start with your Goals

Walks you through the steps making your homestead goals and tips on how you can make each and everyone of them come true!

~ Section 2~

Design with Permaculture

You learn to break down permaculture and its principles into life lesson and unique build ideas for your homestead.

~ Section 3 ~

Building With Kids

A homestead is a family affair so why not build with your kids too. You will learn the benefits of and how to build with your kids.

~ Section 4 ~

Build How To's

You will learn how to build several unique shelter we use here at Red Ridge Farmstead.

What is Included...

Get all the steps you will need to design and build a homestead based on permaculture and God's design!

When you purchase the Red Ridge Farmstead Builds eBook you will get immediate access to the first builds book designed specifically for growers who want to add God's design to their homestead so that you know exactly how to build abundance and design resilience into every part of their growing journey.

185 Page of Tips and Instructions

So that you will know how to build and design your homestead for yourself with guidance from someone who want to see you succeed on your growing journey

As your turn every page you will find tips on designing an abundant homestead as well as step by step instructions on how to build your own shelters for animals you dream of adding to your homestead.

Instruction for 3 Unique Red Ridge Farmstead Builds

so that you can get started building shelters based on permaculutre design for your homestead

No Builds book is complete without actually instructions for how to build specific projects.

Instructions for Developing 2 Iconic Permaculture Designs

So that you can get a jump start with creating abundance and resilience on your homestead

Use the two chapters on Icon Permaculture Designs to develop your own Solar Greenhouse or better yet Permaculture Orchard on your homestead

Tips and Guide to teaching your kids how Build with you

So that you can build your dream homestead together as family

Teaching Our Children to Build let alone do dangerous thing carefully set up our children to be confident and courageous adults

14 Day Money Back Guarantee

Because I am so confident that you will absolutely love everything inside the Red Ridge Farmstead Builds eBook that I am willing to offer you a 100% Money Back Guarantee 

Here's how it works. Purchase the eBook and begin reading. If you don't feel that your purchase was a worthwhile one, then send and email to me within 14 days of your email receiving the eBook, and I will refund your money, no question asked.

Get the Introductory Price for the Red Ridge Farmstead Builds until November 12th, 2022

$37 ~ $17

I want to thank you for your time. And remind you that this deal is only available for a short time. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how Red Ridge Farm Homestead can help you on your growing journey email me or go to my website, Now if you want to start reading the eBook today, click the button below!



Have a blessed day,


Crystal Mediate

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